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FIFEME Filles Femmes Meres


Be a Boss - Agence bordelaise pour l'entrepreunariat au féminin

12 Avril 2019 , Rédigé par Fille Femme Meres Publié dans #femmes, #entrepreneuse, #entreprise, #société, #projet, #compétences, #diplomees, #entrepreunariat, #feminin, #women, #woman, #madame, #région, #startups, #creation, #idées, #ideas, #innover, #innoation, #finance, #startupeuse, #accompagnement, #experts, #candidat, #participer, #participation, #tour, #national, #forum

En 4 ans, Be a boss est devenu l’événement référent de l’entrepreneuriat féminin : Le seul événement ayant une envergure nationale (5 étapes en région et une finale parisienne) Le seul événement valorisant tout type de startups (pas uniquement les startups...

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Esri Press Releases "Women and GIS: Mapping Their Stories"

26 Février 2019 , Rédigé par FIFEME Publié dans #femmes, #women, #technology, #GIS, #SIG, #professionals, #book, #livre, #maps, #géographique, #numerique, #GPS, #satellite, #technique, #technical, #analysis, #analyses, #woman, #celebrate, #reconnaissance, #USA, #EtatsUnis, #GIS industry, #SIG industrie, #geographique, #positionnement, #compétences, #talents, #entreprise, #enterprise, #research, #recherche, #ideas, #innovation, #cearte, #creation, #world, #public, #population, #space, #stories, #mappping, #drones, #benefit, #land, #states, #ocean, #earth, #geospatial, #geographic

USA - Esri Press has released a collection of twenty-three profiles featuring women professionals who use GIS. Hailing from a range of fields, the book takes a look at the professional lives of these women particularly from the standpoint of using maps,...

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The Ultimate Women in Science Reading List: 150 Essential Titles

13 Février 2019 , Rédigé par Sorel LACKMY Publié dans #women, #sciences, #Titles, #books, #HaveToKnow, #woman, #notorious, #celebrate, #celebration, #biographies, #scientist, #scientific, #collection, #volume, #Female Physicist, #Female, #Science, #Illustrated Women, #world nature, #elements, #Mathematician, #Mathematics, #methods, #Medicine, #work, #Research, #Astronomer, #Remarkable, #Stories, #story, #history, #medical, #Intelligence, #ecology, #Ideas, #Astronauts, #Space, #mission, #doctor, #reading, #USA, #America

A bibliography of great women in science biographies and memoirs to share with those who are looking to start their own collection or who are just looking for an off-the-beaten-path scientist to spend some time with." (via Women You Should Know: https://...

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